Welcome :3

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~[ General infos ]~

I'm 17 years old ,,^w^,,
Real name is Nate ;3
Is Trans and aromantic!
I'm She/they
Proud mother of two~ >w<
Is a fur :3

~[ Details ]~

Loves everything pink! ,,uwu,,
Is an INFP .OwO.b
Owner of autism, ADHD and BLPD
Has way too many hobbies
Uses emoticons a lot .uwu.
a list of emoticons i use can be found below!

~[ I am ]~

+ Ultimate artist
+ Hobby Musician
+ Game developer

~[ I do ]~

+ Free art! (retired**)
+ Coding related stuff
+ Comfort talking / vent

**will return to draw if you rlly rlly wanted a drawing, dont hesitate to ask!

~[ Artworks ]~

~[ My links ]~

~[ Emoticons ]~
